Of course, even more important than the fact that George W. Bush is finally OUT of office, is that Barak Obama, in all his intelligent, humble, far-sighted, even-headed brilliance has taken that powerful oath. And that the US has finally embraced an alternative to the seemingly marble-hardened mold of a white, upper-class man to lead it (now if some of its western neighbors could do the same...).
Yes, it is an exciting time to be in this country and yes, you can see I am totally smitten with "our" new president! (Brent doesn't mind, he's pretty smitten too)
As for our lowly little non-country-ruling lives, I imagine most people won't appreciate hearing what we've been up to here as even if I avoid mentioning the exact weather conditions, the fact that I'm discussing a 14km hike in a park searching for water and then heading straight to Cold Stone would probably betray what the skies and thermometer are doing here... ;-)
Just remember, I only bring it up because I'm hoping you will come visit!
As for my ever-growing belly, it is doing well. I think our daughter has grown a fish tail though, as she seems to be doing less random kicking and more constant swimming around in there. It seems she's a water baby just like her parents!
Week: 26 - 96 days to go till DD
Jen's belly size: 40 inches
Baby's size: 14 inches (36cm) head to heels, and she weighs about 2 lbs. Think of her when you grab your next English cucumber!
This week's pregnancy complaint: "More water!"
Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me knows how much water I drink. And yet lately I can never seem to get enough! Unfortunately, this can be an early sign of gestational diabetes (diabetes that you get during and only for the duration of your pregnancy), which would suddenly put me in the high-risk category and would likely make me ineligible for the Birth Center since I would have to be monitored through the birth and if the baby was too large (an effect of poorly-controlled GD) it may mean I'd be giving birth via C-section. But I didn't have any of GD's usual preconditions (I maintained a good diet and exercise and there's no family history on my side) and I don't have many other symptoms. Luckily, I happen to be going for the routine test they do for GD a week today so I'll know one way or another then.
This week's highlight: Last week seemed to be a baby-filled week! We had a prenatal apt on Tuesday where we got to go over our birth plan with the midwife. She was very nice and B & I were happy to hear that the Birth Center supports (and will allow) everything on our "wish list" provided no serious medical complications arise. She also reassured us about all the things they will do and let us do if the birth takes longer, begins to slow down, etc. before we will have to consider any interventions. It was a bit of a shock though to realize that my appointments will now be bi-weekly as I'm beginning my final trimester in 2 weeks and then I will go in weekly for our last month.
I also went to a La Leche League meeting with one of Brent's coworkers, and to a Maternity and New Mom meet-up group in Balboa Park. Both were good opportunities to be able to meet other new moms and moms-to-be and hear about their experiences. The LLL meeting was very helpful for breastfeeding issues and support, and the Meet-up group was fun with quite a varied group of moms!
This week's fun fact: This week she opens her eyes!
I also wanted to say thanks to everyone who wrote after last week's post to encourage me to take a 7 month unemployed "maternity leave." I have started to reconcile myself to it more and more, sometimes with great gratitude that I've found myself with this time and sometimes with a pang of regret that I'm not off in the work world with everyone else. But it helps to hear many of you weigh in on the former side (especially those of you with first-hand knowledge of how precious and fleeting those first few months are). I'm sure it will fly by and I'll be back in a "9-5" (or more like 8-6) before I know it!
But speaking of work, I should really go finish my presentation for a conference I'm speaking at on Friday (my topic is on sexual violence in Congo). Next week should be my first real week without work to do and then on Friday I get on my much anticipated flight to Victoria!!!!!!! I'm sad I can't stuff Brent in my suitcase, but as it is we're trying to work out how he's going to convince his boss that with only 3.5 vacation days in his bank, he should be allowed to take a 6-vacation day trip to Maui next month... <:\
I hope all of you are doing well!
Love, Brent, Jen and our little cuke.
p.s. yesterday we also got a surprise visit from UPS with a HUGE box sitting on our doorstep! It seems that our little cucumber's uncle Gavin and auntie Grace sent her her own little chair for our apartment! Or, as uncle Gavin calls it, her "videoconferencing throne!" Thanks you two! XXx