Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ray at Night and my TV addiction

Sorry everyone, still me! Brent has been snowed under with work lately, including having to go in this past weekend to try to get caught up on the towering pile on his desk that welcomed him back from Phoenix. I, on the other hand, am sitting at my desk drinking an iced coffee, trying not to move my legs, thereby preventing the shooting pains that are afflicting my quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. I seem to have gone a little overboard at the gym on Monday and my muscles are making sure I will never forget it!

I've been quiet for a few days because I haven't had too much to report. We had a great weekend, hitting up one of the best vegetarian restaurants I've ever tasted with friends, and making our usual tour of the farmer's market for our weekly produce and coconut pancake fix (a 25 cent treat we save up our spare change for every week). Then on Saturday night we tried out the neighbourhood bordering Hillcrest (North Park)'s arts scene. On the second Saturday of every month downtown North Park celebrates Ray at Night - an art gallery walk along two gallery-lined streets, complete with live outdoor bands, and cheap wine and free snacks in all the galleries. However, in contrast to the Brattleboro Gallery Walk's family atmosphere, Ray at Night definitely caters to a more eclectic crowd... for example, on doing our rounds, Brent and I followed the general door-to-door movement of the crowd, and entered a large gallery beside one of the playing bands. Looking around, we tried to discern what type of gallery it was - Asian? An art school? Sculpture? Modern? There were sculpture-ish looking things on shelves... items for sale... dog collars? Wait a minute... is that a...? Turns out a large Adult Erotica store was also open for viewing!

The week has progressed with lots of work for Brent, and as yet, no work for me. For the first time in years I've become a frequent viewer of the "one-eyed Monster" (B's reference to the TV), and have probably seen more infomercials, heard more jingles, and definitely learned about and seen more births, medical procedures, international adoptions and dog training than I ever thought I could in a 3-day period!

Needless to say, Brent is looking forward to me getting back to work and away from Discovery Health! I was finally able to get a hold of the woman I'm supposed to be working with at IRC, and so we'll be meeting tomorrow to discuss my role there. Next week looks virtually TV-free - in addition to IRC, on Monday my Spanish lessons will finally begin, and mid week we're ecstatic about welcoming our first visitors - my parents! YAY! Stay tuned to hear about all the fun we get up to with them. Really, I'm most excited about having the use of a car for a while! Joking :-)

Hope you all are doing well. Please continue to send us your news via e-mail, and for those we haven't heard from, what's going on?

Till next time!



  1. Mmmm Jen, coconut pancakes sound SO good!! I wish I could come and visit you, your new home sounds so nice. Art galleries? How civilized! Does the decomposing donkey under the bridge that I see on my way to work in cairo count as street art?

    Miss you guys, xoxo C

  2. Haha, well with your upcoming trips Cat, I wish I could trade places for a few weeks - even if that meant the odd decomposing donkey ;-)
    So, when are you coming for that visit?

    We miss you too!
