I have learned a lot over the last 3.5 weeks, considering I could barely say more than "Hola! dos cervezas por favor" on day one, I can now make my opinion known (albeit with a smattering of French thrown in) on topics such as: do you believe that there is life on other planets? do you think we will find a cure for cancer, and why? and: in your opinion, who was the best president of the United States (the fact that I'm not American didn't offer any respite from the latter question)? I can also count to a 999,999,999 (theoretically at least), name parts of the body, parts of the house, get through customs, and describe landmarks in Mexico city! Oh, and order some food to go with my two beers...
It was an eclectic class (two sixteen year olds, one whose fingers were glued to her cell phone texting the whole class; two women my age including another Canadian; and an older piano teacher who was so enthusiastic that she would often yell out other people's answers before they could), but I think it was well worth the money, and has hopefully launched me towards a future fluency (or at least proficiency) in Spanish.
Now if I could just get my French up to fluent...
The day after our return to SD I'll be starting my job at the Peace Institute, and we just learned of another surprise - my sister Lindsay will also be arriving that day for a visit! Yay!
Well I think that's all for now. Hope you're all well, and we look forward to hearing whether any one else might have plans to head to So(uthern)Cal(ifornia) in the future.
Hasta luego!
Good Spanish Jenny! Muy bien! I was relieved to see that I could still read and understand it :) (not that I can write it anymore!) Sounds like you two are really enjoying So Cal!