Just a quick update on our first trimester ultra-screen - good news!
From the nucal translucency, nasal bone and blood tests everything looks normal, and our risk for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18/13 both dropped considerably!
Another highlight for Brent and I was to watch our baby sliding up and down the uterus walls, convulsing in hiccups! Apparently they are very very common in utero. I hope they weren't annoying the little one too much, but its parents found them equally adorable and hilarious!
Since that all went well, I/we need to hit the hay. I thought I would finally post some photos though. Here are photos of my belly at 8 and 12 weeks (can you tell which is bigger?) and the ultrasound images from today. The spinal and different-looking head with fist shot are in 3-D imaging. I asked the technician about it today and he was very proud to tell me that 3/4-D ultrasounds had been developed at UCSD by the radiologist reviewing my test results today! He said they were not done for aesthetic purposes though, only if a medical need was identified... then proceeded a few minutes later to switch our equipment and image to 3-D! Apparently it doesn't really look that amazing until the third trimester when you can see the whole face and body in perfect detail.
Love from J, k & B.
Uncle Gavin says (in his best Vermontah voice) "looks like a pretty good spine there!"