So I'm not trying to rub anything in, because given the opportunity I would love to be bundled up in a warm sweater in a big comfy chair with a hot cup of tea and a book watching the leaves fall and hearing the drizzle of rain outside. Honestly, the cool crisp air of fall is sounding mighty appealing right now. The only time I get to be bundled up in a blanket these days is in my ridiculously over-air conditioned office.
The weather here has made a nearly imperceptible shift to cooler mornings and nights, but the days continue to range between very warm (26/75 C/F) to hot (28+/80+). Our longest rain shower (pictured below) lasted 30 min, and it is the only rain we've received since it first rained shortly after we arrived (ironically, San Diegans deal with rain much like Victorians deal with snow - incredulous disbelief and then terror at how to drive/walk/avoid it, bordering on the dangerous!). I think I can also count the number of "cloudy" days we've had since arriving on one hand, and again, those only lasted half a day at most. I know it's hard to complain about eternal summer, but after living in Uganda, we were excited about a return to seasons on moving back to North America. So first we moved to Victoria, land of serious spring, lukewarm summer and fall (winter was there somewhere, but it melted within an hour), and now we live in a desert.
Nevertheless, we try to do what we can with what we're given, so this last weekend we took a half-day break from work and went hiking in Torrey Pines with my coworker, Alicia.
But for now it's time to hit the sack. Brent went to pick up an Iraqi family from the airport last night and then spent all night in the emergency room as the father needed immediate treatment and in the process the doctors discovered a blood clot in his lung. Needless to say, coming home at 7:30am and only sleeping for 3hrs before heading back to the hospital and then the office has made him one very tired boy. My last couple nights of 10-11pm returns from the office (more interviewing in French) seem positively civilized in comparison!
So, till next time, please enjoy the leaves, rain and cold for me, and if that's not your cup of tea, let us know when you're planning your vacation here!
Bonne soir,
Jen, Brent and now...the peach!
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