Yes, it's a shameless reference to Obama's historic victory, and the childlike hope that has swept across the vast majority of this country and the world. It's finally a good time to be in the US again!
And be here we will!!! Yesterday Brent and I went to our long-awaited immigration hearing with a suitcase full of photos, cards and paraphernalia from our four and a half years together in order to prove the legitimacy of our relationship. We had every official document we have each ever been issued, photocopies for the US citizenship and immigration folks to keep, and even our hospital papers and ultrasound photos. Brent in a suit and me in my nicest maternity wear, rushed downtown with all of our things to find parking and then navigate the huge federal building for our 10am hearing. It didn't help that the room number they gave us was WRONG, but we still arrived at 10am sharp. Unfortunately our friends Jan and Don who ironically had the same interview date and time we did quickly informed us that my name had already been called! It didn't help that our lawyer was also nowhere to be seen.
Five minutes later they called my name again and in we went, without our lawyer! We were taken into a private office by our female interviewer and asked to swear the 'I will tell the whole truth...' oath. As we sat down in our lawyer bustled, out of breath and apologizing profusely - her earlier court case had run late. Then, before we had even sat down she blurted out "So, did you hear she's pregnant?" The interviewer looked at me as Marci began asking me when the baby was due and how I was feeling. Well I don't know if that's what did it, but after being asked if I had or ever planned on engaging in the usual crimes (prostitution, terrorism or overthrowing the US government), the stamp was out and suddenly the magic word APPROVED was being stamped all over my documents! Hallelujah!
The whole thing took about 15 min, we didn't get to show her a single document or photo and we were out before our friends Jan and Don had even gone in! A little later Don was thankfully granted residency as well and so the four of us went for sushi to celebrate :-)
It was sure quite the week last week. The immigration hearing came just days after the election and was the day before my last "official" day at the IPJ (though that is where I am writing from now, one week later!). Then the following day Brent and I starting driving north for a MUCH needed celebatory/recouperation holiday in Sequoia National Park. But that will be the next post ;-)
Take care everyone, more news soon!
xox Jen, Brent and le petite pomme!
Congrats! I don't know if the pregnancy did it, but I'm sure it helped sway them a wee bit. go petit pomme!