Thursday, April 11, 2013

The littlest bookworm

The other morning, eyes still shut, tossing and turning lightly in his final throws of dreamland my sweet boy suddenly throws his arm in the air and bellows, "BOOK!" Shocked, I figure it must be a vivid dream until he repeats it. Over and over. Slowly opening his eyes to the glare of sunlight still imploring the universe (and me) for the ceaseless delights of his favorite "BOOK!"

Half an hour later Brent returned from his morning run to find both of us, still PJ clad, sitting in the middle of the bed surrounded by close to a dozen of his favorite titles: Haiku Baby, How Kind, The Little Blue Truck, Farm Animals...but the most worn, most frequent request is still for "Moon."

I have a nighttime video I managed to capture of this fabled tale, but can't seem to get it to post (yet). It is of N on reading number 4 or 5, at least half an hour past bedtime. Groggy with sleep, we go through the Great Green Room with the telephone and the red balloon and the picture of a cow jumping over the moon, one last time. My favorite is N's faithful addition of the Old Lady Whispering... "Hussssssssh" :)