Sunday, July 12, 2009

My new life as a mom...

Trying to lock my apartment with my car remote.

Overcoming my pet peeve of drinking tea that has gotten cold.

Walking around my house Lady Godiva style (minus the horse).

Curling up at the right bottom corner of the bed to sleep so that I don't disturb the twin giants (one big and handsome, one small and cute) sprawled across the top section of the bed.

Trying to remember what the inside of a gym looks like.

Singing, driving, shushing, looking in the review mirror and searching for a soother in the diaper bag all at once, all without going off the road.

Learning to like the warm glow of streetlights that you can see by at midnight, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, etc.

Counting the hours till little Miss naps.

Counting the minutes until I can leave work to see her again.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick, while I have two hands!

Brent is laying on the couch with Thea, awake and happy after an hour-long nap, preceded by at least half an hour of wailing (Thea, not Brent this time). I think we must have missed her initial "I'm sleepy" cues so that she was too tired when we tried to get her to sleep. Though with little ones, it's hard to get confirmation. Our only other guesses are that,

1) she's already teething (as evidenced by my chomped-on nipples and some tell-tale drool on her wrap yesterday). Which would be very bad news, as she's only 2 months old and her teeth likely wouldn't break through for months!


2) she's missing grandma Lois and grandpa Peter. I don't know if she's old enough to get attached to individuals, but if she is, the fun, loving & soothing that she has received from my folks from the day of her birth until Friday would certainly have left a mark. Brent and I are already missing their presence and support, so it's understandable that the main focus of their attention - Thea - is too.

But while I have two hands free I better make use of them and send out a quick update. Life with Thea, my parents, Barclay, and a revolving door of much-appreciated guests (Auntie Lindsay; grandma Diane and grandpa Elliott; Julia and Laura over from Germany; Lorna and Anne passing through; and finally uncle Mathew last week) has made the last two months fly by. Of course most of the excitement comes from our new lives being ruled by, as one new mom termed her baby, our "little dictator." We do worship the ground she walks (ok, lays) on, but I can't remember being this tired before in my life!

Hopefully the videos are giving a glimpse of what I am missing in blog posts. But for the moment, here's a synopsis of what's new in our lives:

1) A new wrap!

Yes, this is what excites new parents. Thea is already the proud connoisseur of no less than 4 baby wearing devices (a pouch, two ring slings and a Baby Bjorn), each with their own specialties! But that didn't stop us from making it 5 (the others have been mostly gifts and we got this second-hand, so it's not like we're boosting the US economy on these) with the addition of a Moby Wrap! Now the first time I saw a Moby wrap I exclaimed that it was one of the more ridiculous things I'd seen North American women pay money for. Retail cost: $50-70 for a 15 foot piece of fabric. That's it. No straps, ties, padding, or shape. Just a long, thin (30" wide) strip of stretchy cotton. Wearers often struggle to tie themselves up in it, dragging the ends on the floor, and then eventually getting their babies inside. In Africa we just used one rectangular piece of cloth, swung it over the baby laying on our back and tied two knots with the corners - one above the boobs, one at the waist and you're good to go! This Moby wrap thing looked like you needed a degree to put it on!

Well folks, I'm converted! That unwieldy strip of fabric is heaven. It holds baby snugger than the Bjorn in up to 9 positions, doesn't hurt one shoulder like a ring sling, and distributes the baby's weight so evenly you can barely feel it! And it beats the African kitenges by not squishing already delicate anatomy! So what if you look like Obe Wan Kenobi when you're wearing it?

2) Jen went back to work.

It was an easier transition with my parents here to take Thea in the mornings while I went into the office, knowing that she was safe and happy with grandma and grandpa. This morning was my first real try unassisted. Thank goodness she's such a huge hit at the office. This helps when, after arriving an hour early to work to nurse her in the car then walk around campus in the vain hope that she'll fall asleep, I had to bring her in still awake and making all sorts of noises not normally heard in a university institute. Luckily, tucking her in our new moby wrap with her pacifier had her snoozing peacefully within 5 min. As long as her 2-4hr morning naps continue, I should be able to get some work done (knock on wood!).


Well there was a 3, but now I can't remember what it was. Ugh. Mommy brain.

Oh well, best get myself to sleep now anyway. I'm lucky to only be working at the office 3 days a week, so tomorrow Thea and I will be at home and I just might get a nap in! Hallelujah.
Love to all of you,
Jen, Brent and Thea