Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Anniversary to us!

Two years ago today at this moment I was in bathroom with Lindsay and a group of cherished girlfriends, trying to get curls to stay in my quickly deflating hair, having my toenails painted on a whim, and looking around frantically for the special makeup that I had bought for the occasion (which was finally found after the ceremony). That little bathroom had become a humid, buzzing world of its own; I was anxious and excited, and had lost all sense of time.

One hundred and fifty of our closest friends and family had come from all the corners of the globe, and were now waiting somewhat patiently on a fragrant spring lawn for a delayed ferry and a very fashionably late bride. Brent was out with the guests, having photos taken with his cousins, and silently wondering where the heck I was.

And then someone - probably my mother, who was really running the entire show - came to remind me that it was getting late. I don't remember anyone having mentioned the time before, so I quickly finished up and worked up the courage to go to the glass-cordoned veranda, where I was to wait in a frantic mix of flowers, bridal party, and the electric anticipation of people's hope, love and best wishes for an entire lifetime. And then the music began, and slowly, the flower girls, ring bearers and bride's maid began their procession, one by one. And then it was my turn; with my parents on both sides, I walked out into the sunshine and saw Brent across the lawn, standing by a white-washed gate. It is amazing to have happiness wash over your whole body. From the inside, like butterflies; in a release of tears you can't hold in; in a smile that is too big for you to control - involuntarily telling the world that every fiber in your body is shouting for joy.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was the most wonderful day of our lives. As soon as the ceremony was over, we both said wanted to go back and do it all over again. It was the combination of pledging ourselves to the person we knew we were meant to be with, and the feeling of support from having so many people we love surrounding us on that day. Brent and I frequently talk about our unpaid gratitude to everyone who made it to Clam Bay for our wedding. For people to come, from near and far and even the other side of the world, for three days on a not-too-easy-to-reach island to celebrate our union was the best life-gift we could imagine. We keep trying to scheme up ways to have it repeated someday... or at least to let people know how much their presence meant to us.
Finally, no tribute to our nuptials would be complete without recognising the incredible kindness and generosity of dozens of people who chipped in, to help or contribute to the festivities in some way over the three days at Clam Bay (and for members of our family who were helping with the preparations for months in advance). The entire celebration was a labour of love by so many that it would take a small novel to thank everyone.

Today is actually Brent and my first wedding anniversary together, as last year we were separated by two continents and an ocean. He is at an IRC training conference all day and only got 3 hours of sleep last night due to a neighbouring hotel guest that decided to keep their TV on all night long, but we're hoping to go for a nice dinner alone tonight. We're staying at a hotel in strip-mallville though, so finding an independent place with some original ambiance might be a bit of a challenge... wish us luck!
Lots of love to all of you, and thanks again to those of you who helped make this day two years ago so wonderful.


  1. happy anniversary you sexies!!
    ps... and where are MY pics?! :(

  2. Thanks Teegy! And your photos, my sweet, are not on my new computer, and we didn't bring Brent's to Phoenix. However, your big one of us in the bubbles is in our bedroom (the only one at the moment), and is our first priority for framing! xox

  3. happy (belated) anniversary!! I hope you had a great day and managed to find a nice place to eat (something other than a chain restaurant. although, nothing says romance like an Applebees).

  4. Wow, hard to believe that magical day was over 2 years ago!! Hope you had a fabulous anniversary!

    xoxo C
