Thursday, March 26, 2009

A face a mother (and father) could love

I know she looks a bit alien-like, but here are some photos Brent and I received at our 3-D ultrasound appointment last month.

The appointment was a secret at the time as it produced our birthday present for Diane, a video of her first grandchild, still in utero!

The video is more entertaining than the photos alone, as our stubborn daughter (further confirming that she will be a Taurus like her parents) spent 15 min of our supposedly 15min appointment with her hands and feet firmly in front of her face! The technician (wanting to get her outrageous fee for a 'successful' ultrasound) let our appointment go 5 minutes over in her attempt to jiggle, roll, push, and suggest to our daughter to please stop hiding so mommy and daddy could see her face!
Finally, when I jiggled her hands and feet, our little monkey finally obliged. Then we got all sorts of antics from her - eyes open, yawning, sucking her fingers and toes and even her umbilical cord!

I still find it a bit difficult to make a correlation between these images and the face we'll see in the birthing room, but we stare at her face lovingly nevertheless.

Jen, Brent and our little monkey
(Her eyes are open in many of the photos, and you can often see her umbilical cord, including the first and last ones where she's got it in her mouth)


  1. I love these Jen!! Look at her little nose! I cannot wait to see her in person!

    xoxo C

  2. WOW!!! totally amazing... looks like she's got the smerdon big doe eyes! and yes, a cute little nose too. how incredible to get a glimpse of that face :)

  3. Thankyou Jen and Brent! I did a little happy-auntie dance and I've shown the photos to a few people now. My little neice looks so adorable! Her mouth looks generous-a bit like Keen and Hux's were. I'm so glad you got the 3-D ultrasound! (Is it making you more sure of a name?)
